Thursday, March 27, 2014

Better than Flowers: How to Maintain a Good Relationship with the Girlfriend's Mom

Better than Flowers: How to Maintain a Good Relationship with the Girlfriend’s Mom

The Boyfriend’s Reference- in 6 Easy Steps!
by Tabitha Damm


We all know that in order to truly win over a girl’s heart, is to win the heart of her mother. Some girls like playing the rebel and are perfectly fine, if not enjoy, going against Mama’s best wishes for a while. However, over time, most girls realize that their relationships with their men are much better when their moms approve.

As the saying goes, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”

If you want to have the best chances in your relationship with your girlfriend, you need to have a good relationship with her Mom.

Here are 6 Easy Steps you must do to maintain or start a relationship with the mom off to a great start!

1. Thank her.

Be polite and earnest, and show her appreciation. All the time, whenever you can. After all, she did go through all the trouble of rising you’re girl into the one you love today. By thanking her, you’re showing a good basic level of respect.


2. Occasionally txt her.

It doesn’t have to be anything long, fancy or well thought out, but sending a funny picture, or just saying “Hi” can mean a lot. If you and your girl are hanging out, maybe send her a quick pic of what you’re doing, or something funny she said. And don’t forget to add the “J


3. Hang out with the fam.

Sure, you’d much rather be alone with your girl, in the privacy of your own home or away from prying eyes, but by spending time with your girlfriend’s family you show your girlfriend that you care about what matters to her, and also make mom feel more comfortable about who she’s letting her daughter spend so much time with. Make an effort to come over and just hang out with the whole gang at least once or twice a month. Try to be a part of the family. After all, if you’re planning on getting serious with this girl, you’re going to become a part of her family anyways, weirdos and all, no matter how much they can annoy you, so you might as well make this transition a lot easier on yourself.


4. Offer to help.

You’re strong and able. Your girlfriend knows you can protect her and you jump at the chance to help her… But what about her mom? Not as easy to help when you don’t get the immediate pay-off like a kiss or hug or great showers of appreciation from you’re gal, huh? However, to win your way into Mama’s admiration you gotta offer a hand now and then. Grass needs mowing? Offer to help. Laundry needs folding? Jump right in. Better yet, why not ask mom if there’s anything you can do? If she says “no,” offer ideas. But just be sure you’re willing to do what she says with a happy face. Show the mama you can be the knight in shining armor your girlfriend thinks you are. (Sound like more work than you’d like, and wondering what you get from it? First off, read the title of this article, and second, you’re girl is always watching. Trust me, if she sees you being the helpful man, you’ll turn her on faster than you can say “What can I do?”)


5. Forgive her.

You’re not always going to agree with what the mom does or says, and sometimes she’ll do things that make you mad or you don’t understand. You are not in her shoes, however, and it’s not your place to judge. I’m not saying that you have to be okay with everything she does, but stop and realize that she is just a person, like you. Everyone makes mistakes. You’re not going to be able to change her, and that can be frustrating, especially when you need to have a good relationship with her for your girlfriend’s sake. But by stopping, taking a deep breath, and remembering that nobody’s perfect, you can make the active choice to forgive her. And don’t forget what keeps you two connected. The love of one girl. And for her sake, try to have a forgiving heart.


6. Show you how much you care about her daughter.

Mama’s biggest worry is that you’re not treating her daughter as good as she deserves. Nothing makes a mom more scared for her daughter’s choice in men than watching her boyfriend not treat her like a princess. If Mama sees you doing things like ignoring your girl, bossing her around, letting her do all the work, or (the big “no no”) not listening to her, you can bet your bottom she’s going to lose all respect of who you are to your girlfriend. After all, she’s her daughter before she’s your girlfriend. You certainly shouldn’t be doing any of the above in a good relationship anyways, but I understand that sometimes slip ups are going to happen, just make an extreme conscious effort NOT to do them where mama’s eyes can see. Mama’s worked hard to make the wonderful girl you call your girlfriend, and it breaks her heart to see her getting walked on in any way. To mama, you’re lucky to have such a girl, so treat her as such. Try to be the most loving gentlemen you can be to your princess all the time, but especially when mama’s around.


If you do all the above and you still can’t seem to win your girl’s mama over, don’t give up. It can take a long time to create good relationships, and even longer to re-build them.

And never forget to always be asking yourself-

“Am I behaving like the boyfriend I’d want my daughter to date?”